While the the Progress Report Module in COMENCE is not a grading system, it features progress indicators that can readily be converted into grade formats. Many in education have long recognized that student performance cannot be totally captured in some letter grade or numerical algorithm. Currently, more educational references are beginning to attest the effectiveness of Student Progress and how teachers, who form the key point of contact with students, are the best source to evaluate student academic progress.
What Students Can or Cannot Do! What Students Know or Don’t Know!

The Student Progress was developed to return student assessment to the hands of teachers or other professionals directly involved with students. Reports produced in this COMENCE Progress Report Module assist teachers in targeting current and future instruction for individual students, groups, or entire class. COMENCE provides a student login for students and parents to access detailed student progress reports.
COMENCE Progress Reports Provide

- Ready Access to Student information for Students, Teachers, Administrators, and Parents.
- Concrete information related to specific knowledge and skill attainment – supporting learning from introduction through mastery and beyond.
- Guides for revising or enhancing instruction and developing learning targets.
- Effective foundation for competency and standards based instruction.
- Student Progress Module centers on Competency-based and Mastery learning.
- Student Progress Module empowers teachers to use data from multiple measures to gauge student progress.
- Student Progress Module enables teachers to identify levels of proficiency related to students’ learning at specific points in time.
- Student Progress Module enables teachers to specify objectives and primary knowledge and skill indicators that contribute to student achievement of those objectives.
- Student Progress Module enables schools to conveniently follow the progress of students who move from one school to another.
- Student Progress Module provides longitudinal databases that follow students’ academic progress throughout entire schooling.